Main Menu

The main menu appears at the top of screen to enable navigation throughout the system. 

TIP: The permission module for the current page is now shown as the last item in the Help menu.

The menu displays different options for different classes of users:

  • Standard (internal) users will have all menu options displayed regardless of permissions.
    However, menu options will be enabled or disabled based on the following rules

    • The Company Modules enabled for your installation of TBS
    • The security access rights granted to the current user

    The Main Menu Details document provides information on the menu options and access control.

    Additionally, please be sure to review the System Admin Menu Details for the location of key maintenance tools.

    You might also be interested to learn about the Home Screen which is initially displayed to Internal Users after Login.

  • External Users include Standard Customers, Wholesale Customers, Corporate Customers, and Agents.
    These users will be shown a menu option only if they have the proper security access rights.

    The User Type determines which menu is displayed.

    • Agent Portal Menu - See Agent Portal Menu for information on the menu options and access control.

    • Standard Customer Portal Menu - See Customer Portal Menu for information on the menu options and access control.

    • Wholesale Portal Menu - See Wholesale Portal Menu for information on the menu options and access control.

    • Corporate Portal Menu - See Corporate Portal Menu for information on the menu options and access control.